
We identify and leverage the influencers to connect businesses with their target audiences.
Our objective is to drive awareness, new behaviors & to generate preference.

Public relations and influence

Strategy & advice, media training, media campaigns & events

Social Media

Digital, social media, e-influence, social ads, community management…

Brand content

Editorial communication, design studio, photo & video production

Crisis communicaton

What strategy should be adopted? What should be said? To whom? In what format?

Public relations and influence

Beyond our personal contacts and nurtured relationships with the media and issuing traditional press releases, we consider the nature of our task as « influence management».

Nowadays, influence is far less concentrated and requires focusing on leverage tools which are more varied than in the past: naturally both via journalists and politicians, but also through institutions and associations in addition to the input of the general public who detain a new influence via social media.

Our challenge is to identify the various aspects of story-telling which will get your message over to your customer within the framework of a media context which is undergoing deep change. Our job to ascertain which action plans and ideas are the most creative and appropriate to provide a whole new dimension to PR and create the preference with media and influencers for your company !

  1. Media training
  2. Sector monitoring
  3. Mapping of influence and stakeholders
  4. Drafting of press tools
  5. Identification of speaking opportunities
  6. Image and reputation management
  7. Positioning of spokespeople
  1. Brand and product launches
  2. Product placement
  3. Event organization
  4. Media partnerships



Social Media

There is no progress without dialogue ! Digital, Social Media, e-Influence, Social Ads, Community Management… are all on the contemporary playground for brands and constitute a deep change in today’s complex traditional, social and global media landscapes.

We have moved from an era when influence was clearly identified and was managed via top-down communication, to a new context in which the general public and consumers have found a means of expression through social media feeds and demand the opportunity to connect with brand.

This implies greater proximity on the part of brands and a more genuine and open relationship… using appropriate content. It is with this mind that we develop efficient conversations for our clients to engage with the online public. We know how to boost and massively increase target audiences and generate traffic. We make the best use of social media ad campaigns.

  1. Digital Monitoring
  2. Social network auditing
  3. E-reputation management
  4. Community management
  5. E-influencer programs
  6. Social media ads
  7. Follow-up of social performance

Brand Content

Given the profusion of content available on the Internet and the growing number of actors in offline and online media, communication is constantly changing. One of the main challenges for companies resulting from this, is the necessity to be heard and to be visible by developing the words or images that will hit their target. This is where we come in ! We help you define the right messages and create the adapted tools to your targets. We can advise you on the best way to organize your editorial content and thus increase the effectiveness of your communication. Whatever the situation, the objective is precise: to increase your audience and awareness, to enhance the attractiveness of your brand and retain both your collaborators and customers. Our commitment to you is based on creativity and strictness.
  1. Drafting advice and strategy counsel
  2. Audit
  3. Print production: activity reports, meeting notices, letters to shareholders, brochures, corporate media, welcome guide
  4. Web/digital tools: web sites, newsletters, webzine
  5. Videos: corporate films, video clips, interviews/profiles
  6. Design: layout for press materials, infographics, invitations, illustration…
  7. Delivery of tools



Crisis Communication

Any company, in any sector, can face a sensitive issue or crisis liable to damage its reputation. In this instance, numerous stakeholders and interested parties (associations, media, elected representatives) are likely to contact the company to obtain information. What strategy should be adopted? What should be said? To whom? In what format? These are crucial questions for which effective responses cannot be improvised if serious issues should arise. The experts at Cap&Cime PR will advise you and be at your side to contain any issues which have the potential to harm your company’s reputation.
  1. Media & Social Media monitoring
  2. Crisis management process
  3. Message development: Q&A, statements, key messages
  4. Media and Social Media strategy & training
  5. Coordination of crisis unit
  6. Defining spokesperson’s role
  7. Reporting and analysis

Would you like to discuss your public relations strategy ?​

Let’s meet up for a coffee or a drink, lunch or a Teams session.